
Our Services

As a passionate full-service partner for competitive promotional consumer goods, especially innovative beauty & lifestyle products, we put our national and international customers at the center of our sustainable action. We offer a wide range of competitive consumer products to our partners, especially sales and listing goods – with our own brands, licensed trademarks, or as private label(s). As a full-service provider we offer the complete value chain: From trend scouting, product- and brand-ideas, marketing and sales to production and other additional services.

Trends & Ideas

We identify trends and engage with our customer needs.

& Design

Our interdisciplinary team develops the best possible product.

Planning & Production

We ensure quality standards from planning to realization.

Marketing & Sales

We ensure quality standards from planning to realization.

Service & Customer Liability

Customers appreciate our advice, speed & fidelity.

Quality & Production

Our products adhere to strict regulations to ensure high-quality standards for each product. The same applies to our production facilities that often surpass the legal minimum stipulations and requirements. We design products in conjunction with the specific wishes of our customers and always strive for the best solution.

Merkmale unserer Produkte

Unsere Produkte, deren Herstellung und Qualität zeichnen sich durch folgende Merkmale aus:

  • Design und Konzept in Deutschland
  • Unsere Qualität wird von unabhängigen Prüfinstituten bestätigt
  • Wir sind Mitglied des IKW – Industrieverband Körper­pflege und Waschmittel e.V. – sowie bei amfori – dem führenden globalen Wirtschafts­verband für offenen und nachhaltigen Handel

Rezepturen und Nachweise

Für unsere Produkte bieten wir in Absprache mit unseren Kunden folgende Rezepturen und Nachweise an:

  • EN71-Konformität (Spielzeug)
  • Rezepturen unter Berücksichtigung von Öko‑Test Kriterien
  • FSC-Zertifizierung
  • Verzicht auf Mineralöle, Parabene, Silikone
  • Tests auf Hautverträglichkeit


Through our labors and products, we have a positive impact on the lives of humans, animals, and the environment alike. This requires not only a strong individual effort (within the company), but also far beyond – in our corporate responsibility.

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